Month: July 2023
Did you know women with cancer may experience early menopause?
Why is this important to me? I have a heartfelt compassion for women who receive a cancer diagnosis and suddenly experience menopause during their cancer treatment. Many women are not informed about this, and to be honest, there is so much going on both practically...
Brain health during midlife
If we asked someone to name a symptom of menopause, chances are they would say ‘hot flushes‘. And of course, they would be correct. Women have oestrogen receptors on the cells in the brain and when oestrogen levels change, it alters the function of some...
What is functional fitness and why is it important?
Functional Health is a health approach in which exercise programs aim to maintain a persons ability to perform daily activities independently for as long as possible. Functional health programs integrate exercises that reflect the movements we need to use in daily activities, these are typically...